I've definitely been meaning to post for a minute now. I'm up to 25 catches with six balls, and my D&D campaign has really taken off. I just recently cleaned the dust off my computer to spend some more time in my room. I probably have no real room to complain about my roommates, being as no one steals within the house.
I recently went on a trip from Colorado to Iowa to see some friends. I spent most of my time in West Liberty. The ethnicity percentage there is something like 80% Hispanic. My friends in Iowa City and areas are mostly Mexican. I love spending time there. I'm not sure what's so attractive to me about no one understanding what I'm saying and needing someone to help translate. While thinking about it since I've been back, it probably has something to do with the amount of time I'm only listening for the point and not what someone is actually saying. Communication is easy when people are trying to get to a point.
I came back from the Trip with a refreshed perspective on where I was now and how I got there. It's tough to put pressure on someone to be ahead of you or even trying to keep up when they're preoccupied with their own lives. Nat can't trust his brothers to be making good decisions any more than I can look to my cousin for a good point of view. I think at a certain point, everyone needs to decide how important Family is to them. Do we choose to make our own family with the people we meet exclusively? Or is blood so important that we don't focus on things that matter?
I haven't found an answer for myself yet. For now, I'm focused on other things.